Rhythmic editing manipulates the length of time that each shot remains on the screen e.g pace, beat,tempo. Different emphasis on particular shots gives inconsistent effects, for example;
- A rapid series of shots would give little time for thought.
- Compact shorter shots would build excitement.
- Longer shots would give the audience more time to reflect on what they have seen.
- Persistently lengthening shots gradually slows the tempo leading to the resolution or to build suspense.
- All shots the same approximate length would create a steady metrical beat.
Draws upon pictorial qualities found within mise en scene and cinematographic elements. Say for instance a ball was to get thrown into the air it would change into the earth sphere object.
- Graphic match would create a linkage of shots by graphic similarities
- Graphic continuity; centre of interest constant throughout cuts, maintaining lighting level and avoiding strong colour clashes.
- Graphic Discontinuity; plays with juxtaposition of placement of focus figures, contrasts with colour and footage types,e.g super 8Vs DV, and movement and stillness.
Concerns film 'space' (setting, location) and relation between and manipulation of different points through similarity, difference and development.
- Continuity editing produces analytical space via an establishing shot (extreme/longshot) followed by smaller range (mid) shots.
- The Kueshov effect shows the same expression of a man cut between 3 different images. the audience at first believe he is hungry, then we think he is desiring and lastly we think he is grieving respectivly.
- The audience will infer a connective relationship between shots or spatial coexistence.
- Crosscutting ( parallel editing) can emphasis action taking place in seperate places.
Concerns time of action andcontributes to the plots' manipulation of story time - order, duration and frequency.
The order of presentation of events can be manipulated, Changes in story/plot relations, which interrupt temporal order.
Duration of story events within the plot can be altered via use of ellipsis ( presents action in less screen time than within the story)
- Ellipsis; Punctuation shot change e.g dissolve, wipe and fade signals omission of time.
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