Friday, 17 September 2010

16) CD cover research

Trey songs - passion pain and pleasure.

Theres an extreme close up of treys face on the album cover and only 3/4 of his face is visible. Hes wearing a greay shirt which links to the rain on the cover which also overlays his face which makes him look as if hes crying hense the album being about passion pain and pleasure.

The font which has been used to write the title is a soft edged font which looks clean cut and sophisticated, its also in a beige colour relating to the maturity of the songs withing this album.

Rihanna - Rated R

This album cover has a darker atmosphere to it and the composition consists of mainly rihanna. The cover consists of a close up of her face and upper body.The mise en scene is very punky and a contrast to typical R&B album covers. Shes wearing chained rings which makes her look as if shes locked up and has her hands on her face to maybe show its a album which consists of more adult related materials, so she hides her face like a little kid would if somethings a bit shamefull. Her hairs styled in a punk manor which also seems to be cloured blonde at the top like a lighting bolt to show power. She has heavy makeup on and is wearing dark lipstick and eyeliner.

The font of the title is very clean cut and is in white in contrast to the purity of the music within this album. In the top corner of the cover theres a 'R' writtin it seems in lipstick which looks very edgy and playful.

B.O.B - Adventures of Bobby Ray

This album cover is vibrant and seems loud due to the 'explosion' behind the artists.Mise en scene is dull yet contrasts to the red and blue jeans BOB is wearing. Hes the centre of the album cover to show who the artist is as hes a new and upcoming artist. Its visually exciting and makes you think that the music will relate to the iamge and be vibrant and fast paced.

The text looks very pop arty and looks like a superheros logo, hence it being called 'the adventures'. Its also in yellow which reminds me of the superman logo.


  1. Indepth analysis of the album cover. You should analyse the back cover aswell.

  2. Very good analysis of each of the covers Vida. If you can find copies of the back covers that would be interesting.

    Make sure you check all your spelling and grammar before you upload. Read your entry outloud to see if it scans well. The names of people, albums, books and record labels are important so make sure you capitalise them!
