Saturday, 11 September 2010

11) Theories 3 - Andrew Goodwin

Goodwin identified 3 different approaches to the structure of a music video according to the relationship between the sound and the image.

Music: The music always cuts on the beat or rhythm.
Lyrics: Images are illustrated the literal meaning or feelings of the lyrics.
Band Image: Would be singing, dancing, playing instruments and dressed as would be expected.

Music: Film will cut on the beat but also off to emphasise features.
Lyrics: Images amplify the lyrics and wont be cliched, it will represent it in a different way and not necessarily picked up from reading just the lyrics alone.
Band Image: The band take on fictional roles in the narrative

Music: Would cut off the beat the majority of the time and this would be a sign of a badly made video.
Lyrics: Images which do not relate to the lyrics are used normally done by very well established artists who can afford to take the risk.
Band Image: Would take on an image that is nothing like or the complete opposite of their expected image.

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