Monday, 6 December 2010

Planning 17) - Track permission letter

We must ask for permission from the record label, Yung Money, as we could get sued for copyright once its uploaded on to youtube. So in order to avoid this we have emailed them, informing that the track will only be used for educational purposes for our A2 media course work.

Friday, 3 December 2010

Planning 16) - Talent Release Forms

For legal reasons we must get our actors to sign a talent release form in order to cover us, just in case our actors later change their mind on us distributing our music video.

Thursday, 2 December 2010

Planning 15) -Location Permission Letters

In order to be able to film on such locations as Westfield we would need to ask their permission first for health and safety reasons.

Thursday, 28 October 2010

Planning 14) Photo-shoot plan

The photo-shoot plan is relevant to our planning as we must know when and where we will be taking our photo shoot. Also we must list what props we will be needing like the costumes and nickel coin. Equipment must be listed to as we need to know what to take and set up, like the green screen for instance, if we are to use this we would need to book it and consider the time it takes to set up and organize. location must be decided to as we need to ensure the place we want to do the photo shoot is available to us.

Wednesday, 27 October 2010

Planning 13) - Advert Designs

Here I have created a advert cover for our album. Me and my group are trying to achieve a street wise , city life type of poster.

Tuesday, 26 October 2010

Planning 12) - CD Cover Designs

After researching a number of CD album covers i decided to create a 6 panelled cover for our digi-pack which should look similar to the ones i have photographed. I believe this will be the most suitable as we can be creative with the input of the album as well as adding information into it about our upcoming artist.

Monday, 25 October 2010

Planning 11) - Shooting Schedule

The reason we need a shooting schedule is so that we can clearly lay out the times and dates that we will be filming. Also we may not need all our cast every time we shoot so its important to organize these facts in order to not waste time.

Sunday, 24 October 2010

Planning 10) Location shots

This is the outside Westfield shopping centre. We chose this shot as we believed it would be an appropriate place to use a tracking shot while filming an artist singing, also we it was chosen as we wanted to film the artist walking into a wealthy atmosphere/place, so this location suited our ideas.

I chose these locations of an run down building with graffiti surrounding it, as the idea of having a parallel edit in contrast to a more wealthy area appealed to us. This is also inspired by the lyrics of our songs which talks about being successful and making it. To show a contrast of this would intrigue our audiences.

Saturday, 23 October 2010

Planning 9) - List of Props, Costumes, Make-up and equipment.

  • During our filming we used the Tri pod, Fig- rig and video camera. The Fig-rig enabled us to create a more steady frame while tracking where as the tri pod allowed us to capture steadier long shots and close ups.
  • Costumes consisted of a leather jacket, jeans, hats, 'I love haters' shirt and trainers. We chose these props as it added to our Hip Hop genre, making it more relevant and realsitic.

  • The only prop we used during our filming was of a nickel. This linked in with the lyrics of our song.

Monday, 11 October 2010

Planning - 7) Concept

The concept for my video is mainly to do with success and achieving your goals. Therefor the most suitable locations to film this would be central London, as London is a wealthy capital.

Friday, 1 October 2010

Planning 6) Image Annotation

I would want our artist to look very casual yet smart, so i would prefer to have him dressed in jeans, trainers and a statement t-shirt. A leather jacket and hat would emphasize the 'Hip Hop' look. The artist would also have to adopt a very laid back serious persona in order to achieve the look we want.

  • Hip hop fashion has originated from African- American youths on the scene of Ney York, Los Angeles, chicago, miami and a few more states.
  • Each city has contributed to its style and has been implicated worlwide by youths of all ethnicities.
  • Sportswear such as Addidas and Kangol are key base trens to the Hip Hop fashion.
  • Baggy desighner shirts, Baggy jeans and trainers are also key trends amongst the fashion.
  • Jewellery is also key, having diamonte thick chains and bracelects also gold teeth known as 'grills' are also common amongt this trend.

Planning 5) Lyrics Annotation

Thursday, 30 September 2010

Planning 4) Song details

The song me and my group have chosen is Successful by Drake. The genre is Hip Hop. We chose this song as the lyrics were interesting and from my research i noticed a large number of people are more intrigued by music videos that have catchy lyrics which the audiences can relate to.

Technical Tutorials 3) - Green Screen Lesson and Final cut

We used the Green screen for the first time in lesson and found it very rewarding in order to create an imaginative and creative music video. There are also a few rules i learned which must be carried out in order to achive a successful outcome, whilst shooting.

  1. To have atleast 3 cameras so to achieve interestings shots at different angles.

  2. To have a floor manager to check the cameras are rolling and also to count in to begin recording when everyone is ready.

  3. Ensure lighting is correctly adjusted to avoid shadows and enable easier editing.

We also had a go at using Final cut which i found rather tricky as im used to using iMovie for all my editing, We used tools such as 'Blade' which creates cuts between the different cameras and creates a more visually exciting video. Im still learning the progamme and will upload further skills once i have learned them. So far im enjoying the process of the Green screen.

Technical Tutorial 3 ) - Photoshop

This is the mock CD cover i created whilst using Photoshop. Whilst creating this cover i learnt a number of skills including the fact that photoshop works with layering to achieve the desired look. I experimented with fonts as well as cropping images and adding effects.

Planning 3) Technical Tutorials

During the tutorials I learnt alot on how to use Photoshop in order to create my Digi pack. I experimented with a number of tools and used them to create a mock CD cover. I uploaded my photo and began by using the Green screen technique, as it wasnt available at the time we took the photographs we inprovised and used a white sheet. I beleive it still worked effectivly but it was just much harder to get a smoother surface for editing.

The tools i used were:

  • Cmd + T to resize my photo.
  • Holding Shift on the image to resize it without it becoming out of proportion.
  • Use the Quick selection tool to change the colour of the background.
  • Use the Eraser to manually smooth down the edges of the 'artist'.
  • Cmd Z = Undo tool
  • Control T = Transitions
I also learnt that PhotoShop works by using layers and experimented with these factors.

Planning 2) Roles

We equally spread out the roles between the 3 of us based on our contacts and what we would be more happy to do. Arun will be getting the actors and dancers together whilst George will be gathering the props which we may need in the video. I will be keeping note of Steriotypical costumes for Hip Hop videos and artists.

Planning 1) - Initial Ideas

Our starting point was having chosen the theme Hip Hop due too all of us having a interest in the genre and browsing through the Hip Hop genre to find a suitable song which we could create a video from. We started agreeing on songs by the artist Drake and eventually chose the song 'Successful'. Also the appeal of the genre is of interest to me and my group as the style of costumes and laid back vibe engages audiences. We chose this genre as we noticed not many people have really touched up on the elements of Hip Hop therefor we thought it would be more interesting to pursue this genre.

Sunday, 26 September 2010

20) Audience research 2

Overall i found that the majority of the audience that watch music videos are aged from 17 - 20 and the most preferred genres are R&B and Hip Hop, lyrics seem to be the key attraction to the videos so by creating a music video with lyrics which the audience can relate to would be beneficial as this is what seems to draw them in.

Friday, 24 September 2010

19) Audience Research 1

What music genre do you most listen to?
  • RnB
  • Hip hop
  • Rock
  • Indie
  • Pop

What attracts you to this genre?

  • Beat
  • Lyric
  • style
  • rhythm
  • props

Do you watch music videos, if so what channel on?

  • Mtv
  • Box office
  • SmashHits
  • 4 Music
  • VH1

Who is you favirote artist out of the selection?

  • Jay Sean
  • The Script
  • Strokes
  • Trey Songs
  • Lady Gaga

Do you listen to the radio? If yes which stations?

  • Kiss
  • Choice
  • Xfm
  • Capital
  • Magic
What style of clothing do you prefer to see from your preferred artist?
  • In casual clothes (jeans)
  • Sophisticated (cardigans)
  • Punk
  • Sporty ( tracksuits and trainers)
  • Smart (suits)
How often do you listen to music?
  • Every day
  • Twice a week
  • Every 2 weeks
  • When ever you watch TV
  • A few times a month
How often do you watch music videos?
  • Every day
  • Twice a week
  • Every 2 weeks
  • When ever you watch TV
  • A few times a month
What gender are you?


What age catagory are you?

  • 13- 16
  • 17-20
  • 21-24
  • 25-28
  • 29-32